At Unity Baptist Church, we know that the experience that your kids have is very important to you. That’s why we’ve worked hard to provide the cleanest, safest, and most enjoyable experience possible for little ones. After all, we’ve got kids too!
Outside of our dedicated and friendly collection of nursery volunteers for every Sunday morning ministries who take care of your younger kids, we offer a wide variety of programs for elementary school age children as well.
On Sundays, we are thrilled to announce that we have Grade Level Sunday School Classes for all Preschool- 6th grade kids at 9:00 AM for more info. click here. Also on Sundays, our Preschool-6th grade kids meet in Kids Own Worship (KOW) Room (near the gym) during the 10:15 AM service for a time music and group assembly. Then our Preschool & Kindergarten are dismissed to their place (east-side next to the restrooms), while the 1-6 grade remain in the KOW Room. Our team will lead your children through crafts, music, games, and a Bible story. You simply don't want to miss Sunday mornings around here, and your kids won't either!
Meets Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30pm.
August through May, we provide a special Club 185 Ministry for children 4yrs. old through the Sixth Grade. Club 185 is a fast-action, movement oriented, exciting approach to teaching children about Jesus Christ. In our Club 185 Ministry, boys and girls will hear Bible stories and apply spiritual truths to their daily lives, experience a variety of creative games and activities…and have fun!
The evening begins with a meal for all interested and then the children break in to age appropriate classes for Bible study and discipleship training.
Bus transportation is available when needed, permission slip is required. For more information visit our church office (Mon-Thurs 9am - 1pm or by phone at (618) 283-1113. A PDF Bus Permission Slip is located in the link below.
A Vacation Bible School (or VBS) is a faith formation process for children, usually held during the summer months. It is a week-long event, with sessions lasting a few hours.
However, Vacation Bible Schools are less like school and more like a camp, with fun and very interactive learning. We always have a creative theme and includes Bible stories, songs, crafts, games, snacks, and more! There is always a connection between God and the theme, allowing kids to discover God in a creative way.
Possible benefits of VBS include the following:
- Children learn about Christ through fun, age-appropriate activities.
- Kids meet friends that share their beliefs.
- Life lessons help every child learn how to be more like Christ and be a friend to others.
- Perfect for younger children to get a feel for camp without having to go away overnight.
- You don't always have to be a church member to attend VBS.
"Tentative" Date for VBS: June 11-15, 2023