At Unity Baptist Church, we know that the experience that your kids have is very important to you. That’s why we’ve worked hard to provide the cleanest, safest, and most enjoyable experience possible for little ones. After all, we’ve got kids too!
Outside of our dedicated and friendly collection of nursery volunteers for every Sunday morning ministries who take care of your younger kids, we offer a wide variety of programs for elementary school age children as well.
On Sundays, we are thrilled to announce that we have Grade Level Sunday School Classes for all Preschool- 6th grade kids at 9:00 AM for more info. click here. Also on Sundays, our Preschool-6th grade kids meet in Kids Own Worship (KOW) Room (near the gym) during the 10:15 AM service for a time music and group assembly. Then our Preschool & Kindergarten are dismissed to their place (east-side next to the restrooms), while the 1-6 grade remain in the KOW Room. Our team will lead your children through crafts, music, games, and a Bible story. You simply don't want to miss Sunday mornings around here, and your kids won't either!