And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.
Hebrews 10:24
At Unity Baptist Church, we have a simple hope: to Seek God, Share Jesus, and Serve People. Our ministries come in all shapes and sizes. Please come and join us for worship.
Kid’s OWN Worship
Our Children's Ministry (KOW) allows children to hear and rejoice while learning about good news of Jesus Christ. We seek to create a fun and loving environment for all Children. Children's ministry is available for all ages each Sunday morning at 9:00 and 10:15. Nursery is also provided for all services each Sunday morning.
Wednesday Nights August through May, we provide a special Ministry for children Pre-School through the Sixth Grade called Club 185. Club 185 is a fast-action, movement oriented, exciting approach to teaching children about Jesus Christ.
United Student Ministries
All youth (Grades 7-12) are welcome, dress is casual. Our regular meetings times are Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:45 and Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00. Our time together consists of bible study, games, snacks, and fun. We also have events throughout the year for fun, fellowship, and service.
If you qualify for senior coffee prices at McDonald’s, you qualify to participate in OASIS. The Senior Adult Ministry strives to encourage and promote fellowship among our UBC senior adults. They serve active roles in our church and are an extremely important part of the life of our church. OASIS is intended to provide many social and spiritual activities for senior adults in the community.
Sunday Bible Study
Unity Baptist Church offers many opportunities for Bible study and personal spiritual growth. Beginning with Nursery care for babies, Sunday School classes and Bible Studies are available for Pre-School and Kindergarten, Grades 1–3, Grades 4–6, Youth (Jr. & Sr. High Students),College Students, Adult Classes (includes Quarterly class, plus two class groups with differing themes).
Classes begin @ 9:00 am each Sunday morning.
Men's Ministry
Men's ministry provides opportunities for men to get together for prayer, worship and community outreach. Whether we are getting together for a hiking trip or prayer breakfast our mission is to grow in our faith and to build strong relationships with our friends and community.
Ladies Ministry
Ladies ministry provides opportunities for women to get together for worship and community outreach. Whether we are getting together for a bible study or retreat our mission is to grow in our faith and to build strong relationships with our friends and community. Women's ministry meets for small group every Sunday from 6pm-7pm. .
6:35 Pantry
The Vandalia Association of Churches 6:35 Pantry is supported by nine local churches, Bethel Baptist, Center Point, Crown Point, First Church of God, First United Methodist, Northside Christian, Parkview Free Methodist, St. James Lutheran, and Unity Baptist. We compliment other local agencies by providing assistance Thursday evenings from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. We want people to see the love of Jesus Christ through us.
6:35 Pantry is a valuable resource for those in need of supplemental food assistance. We request minimal eligibility requirements to make our process as streamlined as possible.
For more information visit our website